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Chapter 9. Internet Browsing

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Chapter 9. Internet Browsing
Visiting or accessing a website from the internet is called browsing. The software are used for browsing is called browser. E.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape navigator, Mozilla, Google chrome and Opera etc.
It is a large storage of on line information in the internet that, users can search and find out with the browser software. It is a huge, online storage of information that can be provided to users. It is also a service operated by the internet to access any document on the network without login. This service is based on client –server based model.
Website is a collection of web pages like a brochure (collection of digital pages) that are stored digitally on the web server. Web server means the computer in which the web sites are stored. The process of storing website in a web server is called website hosting.
Each web page has a file name. When wants to view the web site of a particular organization or a company the address of the web site should provided in the address bar of browser software (Software used to display the web pages. Eg. Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Netscape navigator, Google chrome etc.).
The address of a website is called URL. After giving the proper URL we can see the home page of the organization. is an example of an URL. Here ‘http’ is the scheme, ‘www’ is the host, ‘bsnl’ is the domain name, ‘co’ is type of firm and ‘in’ is the geographical region. (co, com, org, gov, edu are types firms and in, au, uk, ae are regions.).
A web page is a simple text file that contains not only text but also a set of HTML tags that describes how the text should be formatted when a browser displays it on the screen. A web page contains text, pictures, graphics, animations, sounds etc. also it includes hyperlinks to other web pages or other documents. The file extension of web page is .htm or .html.
HTML is a programming language for formatting the contents that are to be displayed as in a web page. The main feature of the HTML is to establish links (Hyper link) between documents. Hyper link is a visual element which can select by clicking mouse button and loads by searching other documents from a storage device. So HTML is used to publishing web pages on internet and used for creating on line help files.
Familiarization of screen layout of a browser
To visit or view or browse a website
Double click on the internet explorer icon then enter the website address or URL on the address bar on the window. Eg. To visit the website of bsnl the URL is typed on the address br. It displays the home page (first page of a website) of bsnl.
Tools in a browser
Menu bar includes the following menu options
File: to open new window, open an existing web page, to save the web page, to print the web page etc.
Favourites: To add a web page those are frequently visited in favourite, open a favourite webpage etc.
Tools: to setup the internet options.
There are some icons on the browser window to easily using the menu options.
Searching on internet
          To search a specified thing on the internet search engines are used. They are websites used to search a content or key word from the user on internet. For this purpose the search engines like Google, Yahoo and msn are used.
Downloading and saving WebPages
To download a website first open the browser software then enter the URL or website address on address bar. It displays the home page of the website.
To save a webpage first click on the file menu then select save option. It opens a window, in that window enter a suitable file name and select drive and folder that to be saved.
Controlling web browser options
Click on tools of browser window then select internet options. It displays a window with general, security, privacy, content, connections, program and advanced options.
Sending and reading an email
Open the website of email service provider. Enter your email ID and password. Click on the inbox option it displays your mails. On clicking each mail it will open and can read its contents.
          To send an email click on compose mail option then enter the recipients email ID, subject, message etc. If we want to send a single email to mate than and recipient enter their ID cc and bcc options. If we wants to end any type of file with this message, click on attach file button. Then finally click on send button.

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