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Chapter 6. Introduction to HTML

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chapter 6. Introduction to HTML

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a programming language used to create WebPages. In a webpage we can include text, images, audio, video, animations, hyper links to connect web pages or link to other files etc. These WebPages are distributed through internet.

Each HTML code is called tags. They are enclosed in < and > symbols. They also have attributes or parameters. Each attribute has a specified value it will be written after a = sign. If the value is character it should be enclosed in double quotes.

The file extension of HTML document is .htm or .html. The HTML documents are type with any one of text editors like notepad or word pad or word processors. But when we save it the file extension should be mention.

          Tags are classified in to two container tag and empty tag. If a tag has opening and closing tag is called container tag. Eg. <HTML>, <B>, <I> etc. A tag has only opening tag is called empty tag. Eg. <BR>, <HR>, <BASEFONT> etc.

          After saving the HTML document the web page is created and it will opened in browser software like Internet Explorer, Mozilla etc. Here we can edit the document by using the menu option ViewàSource

          Hyper links are two types, internal link and external link. A link is used to connect a content in the same web page is called internal link. But a link is used to connect another web page or file is called external link.

 Structure of an HTML Document


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