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6. Function Overloading and Inheritance.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

6. Function Overloading and Inheritance.
 It is the way to implementing the OOP concept polymorphism. They are static and dynamic polymorphism. Function overloading is static polymorphism it takes place during compile time.  Virtual function is dynamic polymorphism which is takes place at run time.
Function Overloading
          The term ‘polymorphism’ means ‘one name having many forms’ or ‘different behavior depending upon the situations’. Normally a function is designed to perform single task. But, if a function is assigned with more than one task, we will say that the function is overloaded.
          Function overloading is the process of defining functions with the same name but different argument list. Here the formal and actual arguments should match its type and number while invoking at the time of compiling. It is called compile time polymorphism or early binding or static binding or static linking.
Declaration, Definition and Calling of Overloaded function.
The argument list of a function is also known as function signature. The following definitions of the function ‘area( )’ perform different task with different signatures.
I)             The function definition to find the area of a rectangle.
float area (float a, float b)
return a*b;
II)           The function definition to find the area of a circle.
Float area (float r)
return 3.14*r*r;
III)         The function definition to find the area of a triangle.
float area (int a, int b, int c)
float s=(a+b+c)/2.0;
return sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c));
IV)        The function definition to find the area of a square.
int area (int n)
return n*n;
The above functions are called with the following statements.
I)             cout<<area(2.5, 3);
II)           cout<<area(4.3);
III)         cout<<area(3,6,5);
IV)        cout<<area(3);
Finding the Best Match
          A call to an overloaded function is resolved through a process called argument matching or process of disambiguation. Here the actual arguments are comparing the formal arguments. The compiler finds best match through the following steps.
i)             Search for an exact match: If the number and types of the actual arguments exactly matches with one function definition, the compiler invokes that function.
ii)            A match though promotion: If no exact match found, an attempt is made to achieve a match through the the type promotion of the actual arguments with its precedence.
iii)          A match through conversion: If the above two steps fail, an attempt is made to achieve a match through a standard conversion of the actual argument.
iv)          A match through user defined conversion: If the above all steps fail the compiler will try the user defined conversion to find a unique match.
The following program illustrates an overload function namely ‘area()’ to find the area of various geometric figures such as circle, triangle, rectangle and square.

float area(float);
float area(float,float,float);
float area(float,float);
int area(int); 
void main()
int choice;
cout<<"\t MAIN MENU\n";
cout<<"1. AREA OF A CIRCLE\n";
cout<<"2. AREA OF A TRIANGLE\n";
cout<<"3. AREA OF A RECTANGLE\n";
cout<<"4. AREA OF A SQUARE\n";
cout<<"5. EXIT\n";

case 1:
float r;
cout<<"Enter the radius:";

case 2:
float a,b,c;
cout<<"Enter the 3 sides:";
case 3:
float len,br;
cout<<"Enter lenth and breadth:";

case 4:
int n;
cout<<"Enter the length of aside:";
case 5:
default: cout<<"Invalid choice";
 float area(float r)
 float area(float a,float b,float c)
float s,x;
float area(float len, float br)
}int area(int n)

Constructor overloading
Constructor is a function, it can also be overloaded. A constructor function which behaves differently in different places called constructor overloading. But it has no return type. If a class has an overloaded constructor, objects can be initialized with different data values by providing necessary arguments.

class over
over(int x, int y)
over(int x, int y, float z)
void main()
over ob1(8,6);
over ob2(1,2,3.5);

float fun(int a, float b=2.0,int c=5)
Return a+b+c;
The following calls returns to the function
fun(25)// returns 32.0 ie 25+2.0+5
fun(25,4.0)//returns 34.0 ie 25+4.0+5
fun(25,4.0,10)//returns 39.0 ie 25+4.0+10

Constructor overloading
Function overloading
A constructor function which behaves differently in different places called constructor overloading.
A Function which behaves differently in different places called Function overloading.
It has no return type.
It has return type.
Same name that of class.
Different name of that of class.
Automatically invoke when objects are created.
User must call the function separately.
Functions with Default arguments V/s Overloading
Default argument function
Overloaded function
It allows calling the function without specifying all its arguments.
It does not allow calling the function without specifying all its arguments.
If the argument missing it takes default value.
If the argument missing it produces an error.
It has only one function definition.
It may be have number of function definitions.

          It is the capability of deriving the properties of one class in to another, so it allows creating new class from older one. The technique of building new classes from the existing classes is called inheritance.
Base Class and Derived Class
         The class from which the properties are derived (i.e. the existing class) is called base class. The class to which the properties are inherited (i.e. the new classes) is called derived class.
The derived class inherits the features of the base class (A, B and C), and adds its own features (D). The arrow direction towards the base class represents that the derived class accesses features of the base class and not vice versa.
          A base class is also called the ancestor or parent or super class. The derived class is also called descendent or child or sub class.

Advantages of inheritance
It very closes to real life models.
It ensures the reusability of code.
It possesses transitive nature.
Defining Derived class
Syntax for defining a derived class from a base class is as follows.
class derivedclassname : visibilitymode baseclassname
Declaring data members and member functions;
Here it posses all properties of ordinary class.

Visibility Modes
They are keywords used as access labels and they decide the accessibility of the inherited members within the derived class. They are Private, Public, and Protected.
Impact of visibility modes
The public and protected members of the base class become private members of derived class.
The inherited members can only be accessed outside world through public member functions of the derived class
The public and protected members of the base class become public and protected members of derived class respectively.
The accessibility of these members in the derived class is same as that in the base class.

The public and protected members of the base class become protected members of derived class.
The inherited members can only be accessed outside world through public member functions of the derived class but can be inherited further.

The above summarized as
Access specifier of members
Accessible from own class
Accessible from derived class
Accessible from objects outside class

Friendship V/S Derivation
Provide access to protected members.
Private members cannot be derived into another class.
A non member function can make friendship to a class.
Derivation shares the features of base class and adds some more attributes.
Friend function acts as a bridge between two independent classes.
Derived class is a special instance of base class.
Friendship is not derivation.
Derivation is a kind of friendship.

Types of Inheritance
They are:
1.   Single Inheritance
2.   Multiple Inheritance
3.   Hierarchical Inheritance
4.   Multilevel Inheritance
5.   Hybrid or Multipath Inheritance
Single Inheritance
          Derivation of one class from only one class is called single inheritance. In the figure class Y is derived from class X.

Syntax for single inheritance.
class derivedclassname : visibilitymode baseclassname
Declaring data members and member functions;
Multiple Inheritances
1.   Derivation of class from several (two or more) base classes is called Multiple Inheritance. In the figure the class Z is derived from both the class X and Y.

Syntax for Multiple inheritances.
class derivedclassname : visibilitymode baseclassname1, visibilitymode baseclassname2
Declaring data members and member functions;
Hierarchical Inheritance
Derivation of several classes from a single base class is called Hierarchical Inheritance. In the figure the classes Y and Z derived from class X.
Syntax for Hierarchical inheritances.
class derivedclassname1 : visibilitymode baseclassname
Declaring data members and member functions;
class derivedclassname2 : visibilitymode baseclassname
Declaring data members and member functions;
Multilevel Inheritance
          When a sub class is derived from abase class which itself is derived from another class. In the figure the class Z is derived from the class Y and it is derived from the class X.

Syntax for Multilevel inheritances.
class derivedclassname1 : visibilitymode baseclassname
Declaring data members and member functions;
class derivedclassname2 : visibilitymode derivedclassname1
Declaring data members and member functions;
Hybrid or Multipath Inheritance
          Derivation of class involving more than one form of inheritance is known as hybrid inheritance. Figure shows an example

 Syntax for Hybrid or Multipath Inheritance
class derivedclassname1 : visibilitymode baseclassname
Declaring data members and member functions;
class derivedclassname2 : visibilitymode derivedclassname
Declaring data members and member functions;
class derivedclassname3 : visibilitymode derivedclassname1, visibilitymode derivedclassname2
Declaring data members and member functions;

Abstract Class and Virtual Base Class
          Virtual function is a function that does not really exist but it appears real in some part of program. A function declared with the use of keyword virtual is called virtual function.
Virtual returntype functionname(arguments)
          A virtual function equated to zero is called pure virtual function. It is a function declared in base class that has no function body. A class containing such pure virtual function is called abstract class
Virtual returntype functionname()=0
Containership V/S Inheritance
A class containing objects of another class as its member is called container ship.
A class is derived from another class is called inheritance.
It has a relationship.
It is a kind of relationship.
Cannot share the properties
Can share the properties.
Cannot add new features.
Can add new features.
Constructors are invoked in the order of derived to base.
Constructors are invoked in the order of base to derive.
Destructors are invoked in the order of base to derive.
Destructors are invoked in the order of derived to base.

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